Making cybersecurity a human right

Making cybersecurity a human right: Having access to the internet is increasingly considered to be an emerging human right. International organisations and national governments have begun to formally recognise its importance to freedom of speech, expression and information exchange. The next step to help ensure some measure of cyber peace online may be for cybersecurity…

‘No, nope, no!’ Modi government argues that triple talaq is ‘misplaced’ in a secular country like India

‘No, nope, no!’ Modi government argues that triple talaq is ‘misplaced’ in a secular country like India: For the first time in the Supreme Court the Modi government has opposed the triple talaq practice on the grounds of gender equality, secularism and binding international covenants. Triple talaq is a controversial law that allows Muslim men…

Should Cybersecurity Be a Human Right?

Should Cybersecurity Be a Human Right?: Having access to the internet is increasingly considered to be an emerging human right. International organizations and national governments have begun to formally recognize its importance to freedom of speech, expression and information exchange. The next step to help ensure some measure of cyber peace online may be for…