Cybercrimes in Pune double in 2016

Cybercrimes in Pune double in 2016: PUNE: Cybercrime frauds doubled in Pune in 2016 compared to the previous year. Altogether 332 cases related to cybercrime were filed in 2016. Interestingly, the rise in the number of cases is not due to any innovative methods adopted by cyber criminals. In most cases, the victims have succumbed…

Human Rights And Responsible Media

Human Rights And Responsible Media: Freedom of speech and expression – from where media derives its freedom and strength – is a basic human right and a natural right. It is inherent in the fact of life itself.  Therefore, nexus between the human rights and freedom of speech is obvious.  Moreover, unrestrained or motivated expression…

Making cybersecurity a human right

Making cybersecurity a human right: Having access to the internet is increasingly considered to be an emerging human right. International organisations and national governments have begun to formally recognise its importance to freedom of speech, expression and information exchange. The next step to help ensure some measure of cyber peace online may be for cybersecurity…

Should Cybersecurity Be a Human Right?

Should Cybersecurity Be a Human Right?: Having access to the internet is increasingly considered to be an emerging human right. International organizations and national governments have begun to formally recognize its importance to freedom of speech, expression and information exchange. The next step to help ensure some measure of cyber peace online may be for…