4G infrastructure remains critical for high speed Internet in India: Report – See more at: https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/tech-news-technology/4g-4g-infrastructure-4g-internet-in-india-4g-mobile-network-digital-india-programme-fibre-optics-network-technology-tech-news-2811719/#sthash.uRvhoEPk.dpuf

Rolling out of 4G infrastructure is critical for higher internet speed in India, global financial services firm Morgan Stanley said in a report. “We expect 90 percent of users in India to access the Internet through mobile by 2020. Hence, availability of pan-India 3G and 4G mobile network becomes critical for Internet speeds,” the report…

Cyber bullying is a vice that should be stopped completely Read more at: https://www.livelaw.in/cyber-bullying-vice-stopped-completely/

Cyber bullying is a premeditation and malicious antagonistic activity that is demonstrated by a perpetrator towards a victim (Hendricks, 2012). Many people spend more time texting and on the internet oriented devices and, therefore, they are culpable to be victimized by their friends, peer groups, activists in the name of self-adjudged common good and others…